Our Blog

Sivapoomi Elders Home, Chulipuram, Jaffna – June 14, 2019

Sivapoomi Elders home is a haven for the elders where they are cared with endless love and affection. All of our residents are provided with medical facilities, a recreational area, temple and a library. The Home has in-house nursing care, offering physical and mental support, and a healthy, nutritionally balanced diet. Manitha Neyam Trust has actively supported The Elders Home since...

Mahadeva Swamigal Children’s Home, Kilinochchi – June 10, 2019

Mahadeva Swamigal Children’s Home is a haven for 150+ children, aged 5-18 years old. Most of the children are either parent-less, or accepted through court order as foster kids. We do our best to provide a lovely atmosphere, and an endless supply of all necessities for our children. Ample space, a fantastic playground, a garden and recreational facilities are here...

Institute of Medical Science Trust, Manipay, Jaffna – June 04, 2019

The Institute of Medical Science is a Trust with the aim of empowering young adults to pursue careers in the healthcare field. They provide a professional healthcare education, at the Green Memorial Hospital in Manipay. We spoke to Dr. Surendrakumar, Chairman of the Institute of Medical Science Trust in Manipay, who wished to...

Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Seva Centre, Thanniyoottru – May 29, 2019

One of MNT’s supported centers in the Mullaithivu district, Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Seva Centre, is involved through multiple avenues such as providing education, human empowerment, striving to eliminate poverty in the district and improving health. “Manitha Mempaatu Kalvi Thittam” is a project where over 285 students from 35 schools in the Mullaithivu district have their monthly education expenses covered, and...

Iniya Vazhvu Illam, Puthukudiyiruppu, Mullaitivu – May 21, 2019

An estimated 7 million children under the age of 15 have significant visual impairment, according to the WHO. They also report the number of people with disabling hearing loss will grow in the coming years. In Sri Lanka, approximately 33% of blind children who even attend school had preventable vision impairing diseases. Lack of access to to treatment and hearing services...

Taking Away the Financial Burden of an Education: Mannar – May 11, 2019

As we have mentioned before, Manitha Neyam Trust supports a number of students in Mannar district who live under poverty line or lost one or both of their parents during the war. We invited some of the beneficiary students in the Mannar district, along with their parent/guardians to have a short discussion about their experiences. During the discussion, we shared some...