Mothers, the newborns and children represent the wellbeing of a society and its potential for the future. Worldwide, over half a million women die each year from pregnancy and childbirth-related causes. Profession-also believe that around 90 percent of maternal deaths can be prevented through simple, cost-effective interventions. In addition, it is argued that most of the deformities and disabilities could be avoided by appropriator-natal and post-natal care, thus minimizing the need for separate homes to look after them. Taking these studies into consideration, last year, the Trust initiated the Mother and Childcare project in Mullaithivu to alleviate malnutrition in families living in poverty. Given the relative ease with which cost-effective remedy can be affected, the Trust has continued with this project and continues to contribute towards the provision of nutritional food, milk powder and other essentials when an expecting mother is hospitalized for delivery.